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Brandon Frasier Here We Go Again

Brendan Fraser has fought off mummies and survived a journeying to the center of the earth in 3-D, activity-packed blockbusters. Now, he'southward taking on the existent-life part of John Crowley, a human who fought to save his young children from a terminal disease.

In Extraordinary Measures, Fraser risks everything to win the support of a brilliant and unconventional scientist played by Harrison Ford.'s Jeanne Wolf constitute out why Fraser became emotionally involved in the truthful story. Plus, why he's so affected by the success of Avatar.

Realizing what a lucky dad he is.
"My three sons are very healthy. John Crowley had two kids who certainly would not take lived past the age of four or six if it were not for his efforts to relieve their lives. And so maybe, while doing the movie, I'd come home and hug my boys a little tighter. But I always hug and kiss them whether they like information technology or non. I'm like, 'Come here, you lot,' and you lot blow raspberries on them. That's what I do."

  Brendan Fraser's Hollywood Journeying

No dubiety about how far he'd get.
"Information technology makes my middle end beating for a moment to think it were true that my children might exist in any kind of jeopardy. I mean, it actually frightens me. Of course, I would do whatever information technology takes to relieve them. What parent wouldn't? I'd throw myself in front of a train if I had to for their well beingness. That doesn't mean you tin can protect them from everything, but you accept to endeavour. Harrison came upwards with an enduring line which his character says in this film, 'Don't promise for a miracle, make one,' and that's exactly what my character John Crowley did."

  Photos: Hardest-Working Glory Dads

Meeting the real human being.
"I've played some larger-than-life characters who've taken risks and met challenges, only it was all strictly make-believe. I think John Crowley is a true hero. Sometimes in life when the answer is 'no,' it'southward the right respond and you have to alive with it. But John said, '"No" is non adequate. I'm going to observe a mode to turn it into a "mayhap" and then a "yes."' If he was going to go downwards, he was going to go downwards swinging."

Meeting the real kids.
"The Crowley'southward 12-year-one-time daughter, Megan, and 11-yer-old son, Patrick, came to a screening and, for the first time, I had an appreciation for truly how fragile they are. They're on life-support systems, they're in wheel chairs, they wear respiration units because they a degenerative affliction that causes the muscles and body to atrophy. Only the one thing it does not affect is the mind. And the spirit of these children is incredible only as yous run into them portrayed in the picture show."

Amazed by Megan.
"She has an incredible sense of humor. For love or money, I could non get the verbal release date of this movie out of the studio representatives. They weren't saying. So I go this e-mail from Megan who is Internet-savvy to the nth caste. 'Dear Motion picture Dad: Guess what! There'south a Web site upward. The movie's opening on Jan 22nd, 2010. Love Megan. The Crawly.'  And she'd added, similar, 19 exclamation points. Imagine my surprise when I went to the Web site and found it was indeed accurate. And imagine how carmine-faced the studio execs were when I was like, 'Guess how I just found out when the movie'due south opening? From 12 twelvemonth old Megan Crowley.'"

Why he'due south a fan of Avatar.
"I've been in a few 3-D movies myself. And beingness a wannabe geek and techno-nerd, I was diddled away by the outcome. You're right in the thick of it. And to get the effect you lot have to become to the theater, non stay at home and watch on an iPod or a TV screen. It really is similar riding a roller coaster. And there'south no telling how far nosotros can go after Avatar."
James Cameron Hints at 'Avatar' Sequel

The wave of the future.
"3-D is it, later we survive the naysayers. When sound was added to motion pictures back in the '20s with The Jazz Singer, they were like, 'Information technology's a talkie. Who'south going to go to that?' And so they brought in color and it was, 'We similar black and white. Why does it take to be in color?' 'Tv set? Who's going to watch Goggle box?' Well, now we sentinel so much Tv set that people stopped going to the theaters. I'm telling you, 3-D is going to bring people dorsum."

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