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Epic Is Investigating Plagiarism Accusations of Fortnite Stealing Art From Deviantart

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Razor Mom
  • #251
Sure matter, just please do come up back and apologize if it becomes clear he copied the work.

Information technology'south very probable this will be the case too, the details are just too much to ignore.

I hope you lot apologize if it turns out the Deviantartist fucked effectually with their upload dates, like its possible to do equally mentioned a few posts higher up.
  • #252
Thank you, I will change update the OP right now.
  • #253
Just saw Epic responded, which is skilful news. Hopefully there'south some resolution to this.
  • #254
I hope you apologize if it turns out the Deviantartist fucked around with their upload dates, like its possible to do every bit mentioned a few posts higher up.

As it stands, the evidence speaks for itself. If information technology turns out that testify was altered somehow, of course we will acknowledge that.
Razor Mom
  • #255
Cheers, I will change update the OP right now.
You might want to also add that its possible for Deviantart artists to mess with their upload dates.
  • #256
IMO that's mode too coincidental to be just referential. Even if you lot were to assume they're both based off some other common design, like some ceremonial armor, elements like the neon blueish/turquoise hair are very suspect along with the fine detail similar the gilt rimes, etc. I hateful, the color scheme is quasi-exact to the betoken that the Epic skin literally looks like a highly detailed version of the artists' design.
Yeah the idea that they would've accidentally stumbled upon the exact same color scheme is kind of absurd
  • #257
This is off topic but my subconscious apparently really wants to read 'fortnite peel' as "foreskin".
Razor Mom
  • #258
As it stands, the evidence speaks for itself. If it turns out that evidence was altered somehow, of course nosotros will acknowledge that.
Acknowledge by apologizing or does that only utilise to me?
  • #259
Y'all might want to also add that its possible for Deviantart artists to mess with their upload dates.
How come? Please explain I'one thousand non reading all letters


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
  • #260
Aye, we went to the same university, I went into indie, he went into AAA. He works incredibly difficult, and like I said, the idea that he steals from deviantart is just nuts. They might take come across the same reference in some shape or grade, but he didn't "steal" anything.

Nah, your friend stole the art. To the betoken even the eyes are on the same color. You lot tin can pick upward that RGB from the original art and even the code would be the same. Come up on dude.
  • #261
Fortnite did become famous for ripping off PUBG and adding other people's dances to it, so plagiarism comes naturally to that I guess.

This fucking sucks.

Razor Mom
  • #262
How come? Please explain I'one thousand not reading all messages

Plain you can just edit an paradigm in deviantart and it doesn't change the original upload date.

So either the Epic artist copied this design.
The DA user wanted to get more eyes on themselves so just did some art of this skin and fudged around with their uploads
They both used the same reference fabric and settled on the same colours.

  • #263
Acknowledge by apologizing or does that only apply to me?
By apologizing, patently. I think you should brace yourself, though.
  • #264
It's fair to swallow crow if it turns out this kid is trying to pull a fast one.
  • #265
You lot can't copyright random colors put together.
  • #266
Oh I meet, but the pattern is from back 2017, before fortnite was that big? then I don't know
  • #267
How come? Delight explain I'm non reading all messages
The suggestion is that it's not out of the realm of possibility that this was faked and they updated an old image to pretend ballsy had copied their piece of work after the fact. I'm not convinced past this arguement, but it is technically possible
Razor Mom
  • #268
Oh I see, merely the pattern is from back 2017, before fortnite was that big? so I don't know
What are you talking about? The point is:

Yous can edit your deviantart uploads from ANY yr, and change them to any image you desire. AKA: You can fake this incredibly hands. Thats all in that location is to understand. No "hacking", no fucking around with the website. You can just do this.

  • #269
You can't copyright random colors put together.
If the artwork from the DA was uploaded correctly and at the time it states it was, and then it'south more than only the colours. Don't be so dishonest.
What are you lot talking virtually? The point is:

You can edit your deviantart uploads from ANY year, and change them to whatsoever prototype you want. AKA: Y'all can simulated this incredibly easily. Thats all there is to understand.

And this is possible, merely it'due south besides very possible your friend stole the blueprint.
  • #270
If the artwork from the DA was uploaded correctly and at the time it states it was, then information technology's more than simply the colours. Don't be and then dishonest.

I think its a joke. People said almost dances "its just random movements put together."


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
  • #271
Aye, looking into this I'm having doubts on the deviant art user. Later seeing that tweet almost it being possible to only change the uploaded image for a date I just looked at their ii accounts they had the pictures on and they actually don't fit with the rest of the images around that fourth dimension and they are the only ones with the copyright matter on them and done in the aforementioned way a year or something apart.

Looks actually fishy.

  • #272
What are you talking well-nigh? The point is:

Y'all can edit your deviantart uploads from ANY year, and alter them to any epitome you desire. AKA: Yous can fake this incredibly easily. Thats all there is to sympathize.

Certain, simply that does still seem unlikely unless they created an business relationship specifically to do stuff like this since it'd hateful erasing an old work. It'southward also something I'one thousand sure deviantart could clear up since they almost likely have the ability to track when the terminal time an image was updated was, even if they may no longer take the erstwhile version
  • #273
I retrieve its a joke. People said virtually dances "its just random movements put together."
Ah, that would fit.
Yes, looking into this I'1000 having doubts on the deviant art user. After seeing that tweet about it being possible to just change the uploaded epitome for a date I just looked at their two accounts they had the pictures on and they really don't fit with the residual of the images around that time and they are the only ones with the copyright affair on them and done in the same style a year or something apart.

Looks really fishy.

Heh, this is also very possible likewise. I'll admit a human knee-wiggle reaction as Epic has been crafty before. So it if turns out the DA creative person is faking, I'll gladly eat crow.
  • #274
Admit by apologizing or does that only utilize to me?
I can only speak for myself, just I will certainly offer my apologies to y'all (and by extension your friend) if this is all a misunderstanding or a lie by the other political party.
I'm also a creative blazon, and so plagiarism gets especially under my skin.
  • #275
You can't copyright random colors put together.

"You can't copyright colors and lines and shapes!"
  • #276
That would be fucking wild if true to exist honest... How is it you can change the picture without changing the upload engagement?
If true I do retract my earlier post. Volition update besides.
  • #277
If the kid is proved to have yeet'd united states of america, I will fully commit to update the OP
Razor Mom
  • #278
If the artwork from the DA was uploaded correctly and at the time information technology states it was, so it's more than than only the colours. Don't exist so dishonest.

And this is possible, simply it's as well very possible your friend stole the pattern.

So, both parties are easily able to pull of what they're being defendant of. Theft on the one hand and editing deviantart uploads on the other.

The difference is, I know one of these people, I know them to be a good person, to have always worked hard, who would exist above this kind of affair. Who has a reputation to continue, and who is a highly professional and outstanding member of this industry. The other is someone neither of usa knows, and has everything to gain by doing this and nothing to lose.

  • #279

Non on my desktop currently, but can internet time machine shed light on that users profile and whether information technology's been altered?
  • #280
I can only speak for myself, but I will certainly offer my apologies to yous (and past extension your friend) if this is all a misunderstanding or a lie by the other party.
I'k also a creative type, and so plagiarism gets particularly under my skin.
Ditto. I've known some very hard working people to be ripped off and had their cases completely overlooked because they were so small in comparison to the people who stole information technology. This is a sore subject.
  • #281
Yeah, looking into this I'g having doubts on the deviant fine art user. Afterwards seeing that tweet about it being possible to just modify the uploaded image for a date I simply looked at their two accounts they had the pictures on and they really don't fit with the rest of the images effectually that time and they are the just ones with the copyright thing on them and done in the aforementioned manner a year or something apart.

Looks really fishy.

Yea if the change dates thing is true it definitely could be possible.
  • #282
I bought this dude's book, it's actually dainty honestly!
  • #283
You tin can't copyright random colors put together.
Is this for real?

if the kid isn't lying, that's a character design every bit honest as they come, just considering they don't take the ability to return it professionally doesn't mean the elements of design popped out of beingness. Colors are complimentary likewise as per color Theory, blue-cerise, blue-yellow. white-black etc. It sports a pretty recognizable silhouette too. The nearly flattering matter, in fact, is seeing the design works pretty well when professionally rendered.

If that'south simply 'random colors put together' the character concept part of the industry might besides merely pack and go habitation.

  • #284
And then, both parties are easily able to pull of what they're being defendant of. Theft on the 1 hand and editing deviantart uploads on the other.

The difference is, I know one of these people, I know them to be a good person, to take e'er worked hard, who would be above this kind of thing. Who has a reputation to go along, and who is a highly professional and outstanding member of this industry. The other is someone neither of us knows, and has everything to proceeds by doing this and nothing to lose.

Which is off-white, but you are simply a random voice on the internet... and you DID dismiss all the similarities like they didn't be. So I think your initial behave ITT deserved a lot of the backlash it got, even if you are right.
  • #285

Apparently you can just edit an image in deviantart and it doesn't modify the original upload date.

And then either the Epic creative person copied this design.
The DA user wanted to get more eyes on themselves so merely did some fine art of this peel and fudged effectually with their uploads
They both used the same reference material and settled on the same colours.

Non fifty-fifty a concluding edited appointment? Aren't there sites or such to look at by times of a page to encounter if changes were made?

Razor Mom
  • #286
Which is fair, but y'all are only a random vocalism on the net... and you DID dismiss all the similarities like they didn't be. And then I think your initial conduct ITT deserved a lot of the backlash it got, even if you lot are right.
I couldn't intendance less what you call up, I but hope my friend'southward proper noun is cleared soon.
  • #287
What are you talking about? The point is:

You tin can edit your deviantart uploads from ANY yr, and change them to any image you want. AKA: You can fake this incredibly easily. Thats all at that place is to understand. No "hacking", no fucking effectually with the website. You can just exercise this.

Holy crap that's wild. Why on earth does DeviantArt let you do this?? Seems like a major oversight, specially when publishing as proof of date is a major part of copyright police force. If DA doesn't fix this, artists' piece of work could be plagiarized and unless it was published on another platform around the same time there would exist no proof across a reasonable doubt that the work was plagiarized. Bad stuff.
  • #288
I bought this dude's book, it'due south really prissy honestly!
Oh shit, stuff like this is simply great. That kid must exist so stoked, and to accept a dad who is nurturing their talent this way... will likely become places.

Really heartwarming to come across.

I really couldn't care less what you lot think, I simply promise my friend'south name is cleared soon.
Ah, so more than of the shitty mental attitude you lot strolled in with. Non surprising I guess, but disappointing.
  • #289
So, both parties are hands able to pull of what they're being accused of. Theft on the i hand and editing deviantart uploads on the other.

The difference is, I know 1 of these people, I know them to be a good person, to take always worked hard, who would be above this kind of thing. Who has a reputation to go on, and who is a highly professional person and outstanding fellow member of this industry. The other is someone neither of the states knows, and has everything to gain by doing this and nada to lose.

To be fair information technology's not similar anyone else other than you is intimate with your friend, and so to others it's kinda hard to just accept your word for it. Then again if the deviantart person did prevarication then I don't come across why anyone shouldn't be able to swallow crow here, unless they're being lilliputian about Epic.

Edit: calm down dude lol

Razor Mom
  • #290
Oh shit, stuff like this is simply not bad. That kid must be so stoked, and to have a dad who is nurturing their talent this way... volition likely go places.

Really heartwarming to see.

Ah, then more of the shitty attitude you strolled in with. Not surprising I guess, but disappointing.

Its mutual, don't worry.
  • #291
The female person version of that Pare is like my favorite they've done, real shitty if they stole it.


Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
  • #292
I couldn't care less what y'all retrieve, I simply hope my friend's name is cleared soon.

You really should chill the fuck out and await for some information to come out.


#1 Waluigi Fan! Current Status: Crying
  • #293
And yeah, with this design, the DA user only seems to have these 2 images of this graphic symbol, every other pattern is furry/sonic/pony similar and seem to exist used or the style used, multiple times except for this one. Actually does look planted.

I mean, if it is real and they know they had a cool design and just wanted to copyright it and come back to it equally they grew equally an creative person, then certain. But also, information technology looks much more likely they just saw the absurd fortnite blueprint and tried to capitalise on it. I mean, it made me give their DA account/s a few clicks.

Not fifty-fifty a final edited engagement? Aren't there sites or such to look at past times of a page to see if changes were fabricated?

I'm not a good internet detective so all I know about is the internet archive wayback machine affair, and it didn't piece of work for this so I dunno what the pages actually looked similar originally and dunno if we are able to see when they were last edited. Should be a super easy matter for deviantart to practise though and I expect Ballsy will contact them soon regarding this and ask them to check.
Razor Mom
  • #294
You really should chill the fuck out and wait for some information to come up out.
You should exist arctic when the internet mob goes after your friends, too.
  • #295
And yes, with this design, the DA user merely seems to take these 2 images of this character, every other design is furry/sonic/pony like and seem to be used or the style used, multiple times except for this i. Really does look planted.

I mean, if it is real and they know they had a cool design and just wanted to copyright it and come back to information technology as they grew as an artist, then sure. But also, information technology looks much more than likely they simply saw the absurd fortnite blueprint and tried to capitalise on it. I mean, it made me give their DA account/s a few clicks.

I just used Foto Forensics, and information technology says that the old picture from 2017 was modified this month (in 2019).
  • #296
Some other moving-picture show of the skin was fabricated a year prior again. They 100% ripped this off.
You should exist chill when the internet mob goes afterwards your friends, too.
Its pretty damning when one piece of art has been out a year prior then another updated slice of art is released 2 months before. And looks close to being a 1:one copy.

  • #297
Look, I become information technology, you're pissed considering yous know this person and know they wouldn't do this.

But look at the style you lot entered, completely dismissing the similarities and shouting people downwardly.

It is not mutual, at all, I am beingness more than than fair with you now and you're doubling downwardly on assailment for no reason.

  • #298
Not on my desktop currently, simply can cyberspace time machine shed calorie-free on that users profile and whether it's been contradistinct?
I just checked Wayback Machine, but no snapshots.
  • #299

Apparently you lot can simply edit an epitome in deviantart and it doesn't change the original upload appointment.

So either the Ballsy artist copied this design.
The DA user wanted to become more than eyes on themselves and so just did some fine art of this pare and fudged around with their uploads
They both used the same reference fabric and settled on the aforementioned colours.

Websites like this usually have a Created At date and Updated At engagement(which automatically updates the date if anything is changed) in the database. Deviantart should simply check their backend database and check if the user updated their photos.
Razor Mom
  • #300
I just used Foto Forensics, and it says that the onetime movie from 2017 was modified this month (in 2019).
At that place we go.
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